Old expertise for elder
When the western world went through an economic boom in the 1950’s, the Nordic countries spent most of their surplus on developing strong welfare states. The first ones to benefit from this was the elderly.
Since then the quality of eldercare has only improved. Today the leading independent, non-profit provider in Denmark is the Deacon Homes. What they provide are essentially small homes, custom built for elders, with the added benefit of easily available quality care. All without cost for the user.
Reports of Nordic eldercare has spread and inspired other nations. And right now, the Danish Deacon Homes are sharing all of their expertise with China – where they just opened a nursing home built on Nordic traditions.
Eldercare for everyone
The Yiheyuan Nursing Home in Shanghai is adapted to Chinese traditions, but entirely built and run according to the values of the Danish Deacon Homes. In the beginning the management will be from Denmark, and the staff are all educated by the Welfare College in Silkeborg, Denmark.
Though inspired by Nordic nursing homes, the facility in Shanghai will be on a whole other scale. There is a growing number of senior citizen in China, and as the living standards are increasing – so are the demand for modern nursing homes.
No one should go through their last years in poverty. That’s the goal. The goal is also to offer a wealth of services that can expand and decrease based on personal needs – which will make it possible for the users to rely on their family for company, not for care. The goal is dignity.
A little more info
- In the Nordics, there are generally many, small nursing homes located within short distances. When the Yiheyuan Nursing Home in Shanghai is completed in 2019 it will have a total of 1,000 assisted living facilities and 7,000 housing units. It will also have multiple rehabilitation centres and a small hospital.
- Danish Deacon Homes has recently opened the doors to the Yiheyuan Nursing Home, in Shanghai, China. Read more.